led" title="led">led" title="led">led circuit diagram, the entire bill of materials required to build the supply, extensive documentation of the power transform功率电感生产厂家er, along with test data and waveform plots of the most important electrical waveforms. This report describes a universal input, 5 V, 1000 mA and 18 V, 670 mA isolated flyback converter employing LNK6774V from the LinkSwitch-HP family of ICs. It contains the complete specification of the power supply, a detailed circuit diagram, the ent电感单位ire bill of materials required to build the supply, extensive documentation of the power transformer, along with test data and waveform plots of the most important electrical waveforms. This report describes a universal input, 5 V, 1000 mA and 18 V, 670 mA isolated flyback converter employing LNK6774V from the LinkSwitch-HP family of ICs. It contains the complete specification of the power supply, a detailed circuit diagram, the entire bill of materials required to build the supply, extensive documentation of the power transformer, along with test data and waveform plots of the most important electrical waveforms.
Primary side regulated isolated flyback converter with ±5% regulation.
132 kHz switchi电感厂家ng frequency for small transformer and output filter size
Full load continuous conduction mode operation for improved efficiency and reduced output capacitor ripple currents
Multi-mode operation maximizes efficiency over full load range
Below 100 mW power consumption with 50 mW standby load at 230 VAC.
Extensive protection features including OVP, OTP, brown-in/out, line overvoltage, and lost-regulation (auto-restart)
Meets EN-550022 and CISPR-22 Class B conducted EMI with 5 dB margin.
Meets IEC61000-4-5 1 kV / 2 kV surge.
图3. 17W转换器参考设计外形图
图4. 17W转换器参考设计电路图
图5. 17W转换器参考设计变成压器电路图
图6. 17W转换器参考设计PCB布局图
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