Analog versus digital: Bridging the ADC-to-processor divide
Don’t take things for granted when you are designing the digital interface to a converter. Read the ADC data sheet and verify the bit positions in the transmission across the digital interface.
By Bonnie Baker -- EDN, 5/10/2007
As an analog-world descendant, I always hear comments in the hallway about how digital designers don’t really understand analog issues. Digital designers will go so far as to unsympathetically say the same about analog-IC designers. There is no bridge between these two camps unless the participants ride the fence and enter the mixed-signal domain together.
True to the analog spirit, not all data converters use the same digital format. Some converters use unsigned-binary-data types; other converters use two’s-complement signed data. To even further complicate matters, some converters produce 12- or 14-bit output words, and others produce 16-bit output words. Yet another technology is the 24-bit delta-sigma converter.
Forget the reasons for these analog-design decisions. With all of these converters, the location of the ADC LSB is in the processor’s 0-bit location within the 8-, 16-, or 32-bit word. This situation makes perfect sense to an analog designer. However, the signed-bit of a 12-bit converter resides in position 11
in the processor. If you assign a 16-bit-wide C variable to the converter’s output word, C assumes that the sign bit is in position 15. The processor does not recognize a negative number from the converter and assumes that all codes from the 12-bit, bipolar-in ADC are positive. This situation occurs because the signed bit is in the wrong position.
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2051的比较器模拟AD源程序(C语言)sbit P36 = P3^6; // 比较器内部判断脚sbit LED = P3^7; // 一个发光二级管观察亮度变化// 内部标志位定义bit less; // 比较是否大于 1.小于,0.大于