TB1 = T1em1t + T2em2t + T3em3t + TA + (θ12 + θ23 + θ3A)PG (Eq. 21)
θ12 is the thermal resistance from Body 1 to Body 2.
θ23 is the thermal resistance from Body 2 to Body 3.
θ3A is the thermal resistance from Body 3 to the environment.
T1, T2, and T3 are the constants of integration.
m1, m2, and m3 are functions of k1, k2, and k3.
Equation 21 predict电感单位s die temperature in a very accurate way when the die is generating power. To use this equation, however, we must know all the constants of integration plus m1, m2, and m3, which are complicated functions whose solution is difficult. To avoid this difficult exercise, we use a tool for solving differential equations: SPICE.
We will now propose a circuit modeled by similar differential equations, and we will then simulate the circuit and read out temperatures from the simulation.
The differential Equations 18, 19, and 20 can be modeled by a simple RC network (F塑封电感igure 4) that represents the power generated on the die.
Figure 4. This RC network models the transient-thermal behavior of a chip when heat is generated internally.
In Figure 4 initial voltages on the capacitors represent the initial temperatures of the die (C1), the epoxy (C2), and the package (C3). VA represents the ambient temperature of the environment, and IS (the current going into capacitor C1) represents the power generated on the die. The differential equations representing voltages on the capacitors are:
(Eq. 22)
(Eq. 23)
(Eq. 24)
These three equations correspond to Equations 18, 19, and 20, with the following substitutions of variables:
VC1 TB1, VC2
TB2, VC3
TB3, lS
The capacitor voltages correspond directly to the temperatures of the die, epoxy, and package. Any SPICE package can simulate the RC circuit easily. When we know the proper values of R1, R2, R3, C1, C2, and C3 modeled for a particular chip, we can then simulate the circuit and directly read out die temperature as the voltage on capacitor C1.
Now we can determine the passive component values for a particular chip (R1, R2, R3, C1, C2, and C3). Use Equation 5 (repeated below as Equation 25) to obtain the thermal resistance for the system (θJA) by measuring the die's steady-state final temperature:
(Eq. 25)
TJ is the steady-state junction temperature of the die.
TA is the ambient temperature.
PG is the power dissipated on the die.
Operating with the same dissipated power (PG) as in Equation 25, you can create a data set for the chip's transient temperature variation by measuring the die temperature at different times starting at time 0. Then, based on the following constraint, do a curve-fitting exercise on the measured data to determine the values of R1, R2, R3, C1, C2, and C3:
θJA = R1 + R2 + R3 (Eq. 26)
There are a couple of practical methods to measure the die temperature of an integrated circuit.3 Here we will use the ESD diode forward-drop measurem电感器工作原理ent method to determine the chip temperature, since it is easy and will not introduce a large amount of error. However, to ensure that the accuracy levels of the measurement remain within acceptable limits, always choose the die-temperature measurement technique for a particular chip carefully. The following guidelines will prove helpful.3
太阳能发电系统对半导体器件的需求分析 太阳能逆变器是整个太阳能发电系统的关键组件。它把光伏单元可变的直流电压输出转换为清洁的50Hz或60Hz的正弦电压源,从而为商用电网或本地电网供电。因为太阳电池板的光电转换效率可能受到阳光照射的角度
计算机电源“白金”化 80+TM 和计算机产业拯救气候行动计划 (Climate Savers Computing) 给计算机电源设立了一个强有力的效率标准。这些标准的 白金 级别规定计算机电源在 20% 额定负载状态下